When Pop Art, Diyalogo, and bricks collides, then you got a fresh look at PinoyLUG latest community merchandise that could be your collectible sticker that you represent this group that you so much appreciate to be part of.
The latest stickers revealed on the community’s group page and then a full reveal with one of the members Jay Gan giving you an idea what they really look like.
Then there’s that reveal by PinoyLUG’s Ambassador giving the full details that it is a triple collaboration between the commnuty Diyalogo, makers of the exclusive sticker and Quiccs the street artist and toy designer creator of TEQ63.

The sticker pack is a limited only release that is available exclusively at Big Boys Toy Store in Greenhills and Fisher Mall branches. You can also get yours through Leslie and Amy the community’s admin.
Why are you staring at get your stickers from Diyalogo + Quiccs + PinoyLUG = Collaboration!
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Hashtag: #MasterBuilderOfGoodVibes #ThisIsMyLUG #PinoyLUG
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