It has been a while since the community had a little bit of fun and August 2020 is already here and PinoyLUG certainly misses everyone now that there’s this kind of special activity that surely you might have missed participating. But now #BxBetter is back turning PinoyLUG’s BxB into a themed activity!
To start it off if you’re into “PLANTS!” – You read it right here and we got you covered with a little bit PLUG IT GREEN with #PinoyLUGPlantTito or #PinoyLUGPlantTita as lately there’s a growing interest of breeding greenery to residential homes that has become a hobby.
The above mentioned hashtag that includes “Plant Tito” (Plant Uncle) or “Plant Tita” (Plant Aunt) in Filipino has become a universal word in the country for those into growing plants and taking care of them simply enjoying oneself with it has been a sensation this quarantine period. Besides building and playing with LEGO, why not combine it and produce a "LIKE" worthy image and get to win a prize! It's simple, here's how the new contest works:

Mechanics | Upload on 9 August 2020:
1. Post a picture or an image of your favorite LEGO set/mini-figure/MOC/or anything LEGO with a "real" plant. (Either beside it, with it, background, on it, BASTA Halaman YO!!!)
2. Open to all | MAXIMUM OF TWO (2) Posts/Images Entry Per individual to be posted on "BxB: Plants!" Folder. (So be creative, think of it being "like" worthy)
3. TAG OF TWO (2) Friends and include these hashtags:
- a. #PinoyLUGplantTita or #PinoyLUGplantTito
- b. #TheBrickHasBeenPlanted
How to Win:

1. It is a race to 200 LIKEs (Ferrari Level). First 3 Winners will WIN a Speed Champions Ferrari F40 (75890) Each!

2. Race to "143" LIKEs (I Love You Level) 10 Winners of City "Forest Fire" Set (60247) Each!
3. If the FIRST THREE are reached (Ferrari Set), the succeeding winners will automatically get the City set provided they reach the "I Love You" (143) Level.
*To give chance to others, only 1 entry per person will get a prize.
*** GOOD LUCK! Contest starts on *Sunday ( 9 AUGUST 2020) Plenty of time to conceptualize! Join Now!!! #TheBrickHasBeenPlanted
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