Last month’s “Brick by Brick (BxB)” was another resounding success. This eleventh edition was dubbed “BxBetter," an upgrade for the monthly meet-up that focused more on activities for kids, a book drive donation, and a homecoming to one of the founding fathers of PinoyLUG.
Despite the weather, hundreds of AFOLs met at Lancaster Hotel, current home of BxB, to mingle and to haggle with their suki sellers.

The BxB display team presented not one, not two, but THREE Apollo 11 Saturn-V rockets for the “Space” theme, featuring also discontinued classics such as the Blacktron, M-Tron, Galaxy Squad insects, and an Exo Suit army.

Kids and kids-at-heart enjoyed the “Minifig Swap Meet", spearheaded and organized by the sellers of BxB Trading Group. Kudos to the AFOLs who donated to the book drive which will benefit Grade 5 students from Taytay Elementary School.
But the highlight of the event confirmed the buzz from the grapevine-the return of Lao Andaya, one of the honorary members of PinoyLUG since its founding in 2014. Lao’s return is much like a victory run to the upcoming BrickRun PH happening this September (apologies for the shameful plugging).

“BxBetter” is truly growing each month. Constantly evolving, BxB will always be a home away from home for all AFOLS in Manila.
The festivities don’t end there. See where all the Lego fun's at and browse through all the images at the PinoyLUG FB Page HERE!
For more about the community LIKE Pinoy LUG on Facebook and follow on Twitter at: @PinoyLUG
Something i am missing away from Home. Nice Write up.